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Constipation is a condition where there is difficulty emptying the bowels, where there is small amounts of hard, dry bowel movements, usually fewer than three times a week. There may be pain and difficulty having a bowel movement. Other symptoms include feeling bloated, sluggish and uncomfortable. Constipation can lead to a general state of lowered health. Constipation can lead to bad breath, haemorrhoids, headaches, insomnia and body odour.

Although constipation is not an illness in itself, it can be a symptom that something is wrong. There are many potential causes including:

Inadequate or unsuitable diet – this includes intolerance to certain food groups, the most common being:

  • daily and wheat products.
  • Stress in ones life.
  • Side effects from medication.
  • Not enough liquids
  • Not enough fiber in the diet
  • Lack of exercise
  • Abuse of laxatives
  • Problems with the colon and rectum

To help combat constiption, try the following steps:

  • Drink 8 eight glasses of filtered water a day.
  • Cut back on tea and coffee – try herbal teas instead such as rooibos (red bush) tea which tastes quite similar to tea.
  • Get tested for food intolerances to see what foods may be aggravating the situation.
  • Avoid using aluminum pots and pans. Aluminum can cause constipation. It is also used in baby formula, so bear this in mind if your baby has unexplained constipation.
  • Try Psyllicum husks. Its a natural plant fibre that aids elimination and some find it helpful.
  • Eat 6 vegeatable and 2 fruit portions a day .
  • Exercise more.

From an emotional perspective, constipation is a tendancy to ‘hold on’, a tightening of the muscles such that elimination is difficult. This may be due to a fear or worry that something bad may happen. We may be afraid of changes and try and ‘hold’ on to what we have. It can help if we trust more in the flow of life. Let go of fear and trust that everything will be alright. If you find yourself worrying about something, or trying to be too controlling, say to yourself ‘I trust’ and see what happens.

Homeopathic treatment and remedies.

There are many homeopathic remedies that are used to treat people with constipation. Some of the more common ones are:

Nux Vom

The constiption indicated in Nux Vom is often induced by sedentary habits, inattention to natures call, lack of exercise and a sluggish condition of the whole system. There is unsafisfactory urging with a feeling of incomplete evacuation. Mentally there may be irritability and anger to all opposition. Nux vom can be indicated in constipation resulting from side effects of medicaiton. For constipation thats worse for travelling or wearing tight clothes around the waist.


Stool recedes after being partially expelled or person holds onto stool through fear of pain. There can be great soreness around the anus. There is urging to stool and a senation of faeces remaining in the rectum.

Nat Mur

Hard, dry stools. The rectum is dry, the stool is hard to expel and may cause bleeding and soreness of the rectum. There can be ineffectual urging.


Lycopodium has the sensation that there is faeces remaining in the rectum after a bowel movement. The stools can be dry and hard, or dry the first part and the last part soft. There can be noisey flatulence and rumbling in the abdomen following the stool.


Please note:

All information and opinions stated here are for information purposes only and are not intended as a subsitute for professional advice offered during a consultation.Please consult with your healthcare provider/Homeopath before following any treatment on this site especially if you have ongoing health issues.